Masonic Assistance

For members in need…

  • This fund provides for general hospital care after application of insurance and/or Medicare, at any qualified hospital in the State of Oregon, for Masons and the wives, widows and daughters of Masons residing in Oregon, Washington or Idaho.

  • This fund provides medical benefits and bodily rehabilitation, after application of insurance and/or Medicare, for any worthy person residing in Oregon. Masonic affiliation is not a requisite for eligibility.

  • Funded by the last will and testament of the late Florence L. Hart, widow of the late member Harry L. Hart, this generous trust provides for the care, succor, support and alleviation of suffering of needy Freemasons, their wives, widows and children, and other worthy causes within the State of Oregon.

  • Almoner fund may be disbursed or used only for charitable purpose. The Almoner may dispense these funds to the poor, the destitute, and the afflicted, without regard to race, religion, or color.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance fill out the form below.