Become a Freemason
Become a Freemason
In Oregon, the Scottish Rite is not the first step to becoming a member of the fraternity. This is achieved instead by first joining a Craft or Blue Lodge organization.
Qualification to join the Masonic Fraternity in Oregon:
Have been an Oregon resident for at least six months.
At least 18 years of age.
Many faiths are accepted, must be able to declare a belief in a Supreme Being (open to individual interpretation).
Be a moral and law-abiding citizen, able to afford the modest fees without detriment to family or livelihood.
Provide character references and pass a background check.
There is no family affiliation, personal connection, or “birth right” required.
More detailed information on becoming a Freemason is available at the Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon’s website. Grand Lodge of Oregon
Or for those not in Oregon check out Be a Freemason